Every time we drive by A Bird asks me when we can stop and normally I say when its not so busy or when the weather is better. So this week the weather was supposed to be sunny on Friday and in the 50's so I figured I was safe. So I told A Bird Thursday night that the next day we had to run a few errands in town, then we would stop at the Pickin' Patch.
So we get the errands run and we are driving back towards the place and I noticed that the clouds were getting darker and darker and it was starting to sprinkle. We finally arrive and pull in and as I'm getting A Bird out of the back, it actually starts snowing. Its just my luck, I had promised her so there was no turning back now.
So from the time we got out of the truck A Bird decided she was going to be Miss Independent.
Yep, she demanded that she pulled the wagon, even though it was enormous and weighed more than her. But she has the Schrader stubborness, because I'll be damned if she didn't pull that wagon the whole way. Then she decided that we needed 4 pumpkins and proceeded to demand that I pick up whatever pumpkin she pointed to up and rotate it for her inspection. Once it passed her inspection, she had me place it in the pumpkin wagon.
Now we had 4 pumpkins in the wagon and with a little help from old Dad she pulled it over to the train ride. Because it was snowing and we had our pumpkins we made a "deal". She could ride the train once then we would go home because it was cold, but we would come back to do the rest of the rides the next day. The one stipulation was we had to go as soon as it opened. That was that, the deal was struck and we shook on it.
It appears that the one train ride was good enough to hold her over. We got off the train, packed up our pumpkins and went home with A Bird anxiously talking about all of the things she was going to do the next day.
Luckily for me and L Bird, who came with us the next day, the weather was beautiful. So here is what proceeded.
Numerous trips through the Fun House. By the 3rd or 4th time she had the netting incline mastered.
At least 30 minutes running and bouncing on the Bouncer.
One more train ride.
Then we finished off our trip with a giant pumpkin cookie and some cider.
It was an all around great trip.
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