Saturday, September 24, 2011


So I have been wanting to write a couple of short stories, but just like everything else I have procrastinated and put it off. So today I decided I would sit down and write one, just to see if I could do it. I don't know where this story came from, I just started writing it and it seemed to flow. So read and take it for what it's worth, but be kind this is really my first attempt. So here we go...


When he opened his eyes, it was still dark in his bedroom. He rolled over to put his arm over his wife, but only found a cold empty space that used to be hers. Sometimes it took him a moment to remember that she was gone. It had been seven months since the carjacking but the pain and grief were just as fresh as the day she was taken from him. As he lay there letting his eyes become accustomed to the darkened room, his mind replayed the last morning he saw her.

He was still under the covers as she was slipping into her dress pants and blouse scrambling because she was late to work again. He caught her by the wrist as she leaned down to kiss him goodbye and he pulled her onto the bed. He kissed her gently on the eyelids as his hand rubbed her barely visible baby bump. He lowered his head close to her stomach and pretended to have a conversation with his boy, he knew it was a boy, he had no doubts. She indulged him for a half a second before she flew from his arms and gave him one more fleeting kiss, telling him she was late and she would see him later that night.

He fought hard to push that memory from his mind before the tears could come and make him useless for the next few hours. He couldn’t afford that grief today, not today. He pushed himself up and walked to the bathroom, flipping on the light to see the stranger in the mirror. In seven months he had lost 30 pounds, he was thin and gaunt. He had black bags under his eyes that gave him a raccoonish look. He hadn’t shaved or cut his hair, so he had a scraggly salt and pepper beard and matching shoulder length hair. He didn’t recognize the man in the mirror and that made him sad all over again, so he grabbed the half empty bottle of whiskey that was sitting next to the sink and took a long pull from the bottle to dull the pain. He looked at himself again, it wasn’t so bad he told himself, he was still in there, he was just hiding and scared. He started to muster up the little determination he had left and dumped the rest of the whiskey down the drain. He needed to be strong today, not hiding in a bottle. He had to have his wits about him, he needed them today.

With that, he searched through the vanity until he found the sharp pair of scissors. Once he had them, he began hacking away the long tangled knots of his beard and trimmed off a considerable amount of hair off his head as well. He grabbed his clippers to finish the job trying not to remember all the times that she had cut his hair. When he looked in the mirror, he almost recognized the his old self, close cropped hair and a trimmed goatee, but the pain was still ever present in his misty eyes. As he looked at himself, his eyes drifted to the two pictures stuck in the corner of the mirror. The one of her and the one of the sonogram, his son to be born. He kissed his fingers and placed them gently on each picture. After what seemed like hours he let his fingers drop and went to the bedroom to finish dressing. He pulled out his best suit, it was black with thin silver pinstripes. He hadn't worn a suit in months. He lost everything when he lost them, his job to which he wore this very suit quickly evaporated when he quit going, preferring the company of Jack Daniels to the company of his co-workers. Even though he was thinner, the suit still fit him very well. He tightened his tie, and went back to the mirror to inspect himself one final time. He gave himself a quick once over and decided he looked passable. He grabbed the two photos from the mirror and tucked them into the inside pocket of the jacket.

As he was heading for the door, he stopped and hesitated by the table in the entry way. He turned his thoughts over and over in his head trying to find his resolve. Finally he convinced himself of what he needed to do and opened the drawer. There it was looking him in the face in all of its dark beauty, a Smith & Wesson .40 caliber pistol. Before he could change his mind he grabbed the gun, checked to make sure the clip was loaded, threw it in his pocket and headed out the door.

The sun was just rising and the morning air was still cool and crisp. He walked down the driveway and jumped into his car to get started. It was an hour drive into the city and another fifteen minutes to courthouse once he was in the city. He pulled slowly out of the driveway and started down the highway. He turned on the radio, but he must have zoned out while he was driving because the next thing he knew he was turning into the side parking lot of the courthouse. He circled the lot twice trying to find a spot that would give him full view of the street in front of the courthouse. He finally found one as a clerk from a neighboring law office pulled out. It was there he would sit and begin his wait. He would wait for him.

Today was the day that the carjacker would be sentenced, if you could call it that. The carjacker had admitted what he had done to the police. He told them that he walked up on her at a stoplight, he pulled his gun and told her to get out of the car. She froze with fear and didn't move fast enough, so he shot her and dumped her body in the intersection. He stepped over her like someone would step over a piece of trash in the street and he drove away in the car.

In that one act the carjacker had taken his wife and son and turned his world upside down. From there things only got worse, the District Attorney got the carjacker's confession tossed out because the confession was done without a lawyer present and he looked beat up in the videotape. The DA had pushed that the confession was coerced by police brutality and the judge had ruled in his favor so the whole confession was thrown out. Based on the evidence the jury only convicted the carjacker of Grand Theft Auto with a possible maximum sentence of five to seven years. Five to seven years for the lives of his wife and unborn son. That was not justice, this man deserved to be put to death. To never feel the sun on his face, to never feel air fill his longs, to never hear or touch his loved ones again. That was where he came in.

Just then the white jail van pulled up and roused him from his thoughts. He watched the van warily, and then the doors were opened and there he was. The carjacker was in a suit, but still handcuffed and was only guarded by one sheriff. This was his one chance, his only chance. He slid from the car and started walking towards the two of them in front of the van. He was fifteen feet away as the sheriff started walking with his inmate towards the steps of the courthouse. He picked up his pace and closed the gap between him and them. Before the sheriff could realize what was about to happen, he stepped in front of them and pulled his gun. Everything slowed down in that moment, he saw the carjacker's eyes grow wide with fear, he could feel how cool and how right the steel felt in his hand as he pressed the gun into the other man's chest, he could smell the stink of sweat and fear coming from him as he whispered in his ear "This is justice for my wife and son." Then he saw the flash, heard the pop, and saw the man wheel away with a growing red stain on his suit.

He dropped to his knees and pulled out the picture of his wife and his unborn son and wept.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Balancing... Part 2

As promised, here is the second part of my balancing act. I really feel like I am teetering on the line when it comes to parenting. I love A Bird to pieces but, man does she know how to push my buttons and sometimes I know she does it just to see my reaction.

I know I’m not an awful parent, A Bird is safe, and extremely loved. I have never even spanked her, not once. But it just seems to me that I am always yelling at her or getting frustrated with the things she does. It’s mostly stuff like this:

A Bird: Dad, can I have some super cheesy goldfish?

Me: Yeah sure. I get up from what I am doing go out the kitchen. Grab a bowl and get some goldfish.

AB: Thanks Dad.

Me: You’re welcome. I sit back down to finish what I am doing, then just as I begin to sit…

AB: Dad, can I have some apple juice?

Me: (sigh) Yes you can have some juice. I get up again to get apple juice. I hand it to her and sit back down. This time she gives me two minutes…

AB: Dad, these goldfish are stale, can I have a pudding, whales, popscicle, etc. This is the way it goes for about 3 or 4 things until I lose my cool.

Me: No you can’t have anything more until you finish what you have.

This is the part where A Bird starts screaming, telling me she doesn’t like any of it, its stale or it tastes funny and then screams at me with this look in her eyes like she is trying to set me ablaze. Then she runs into her room and slams the door.

Now I’m furious and I follow her into the bedroom and try to talk to her normally but my voice is rising and I end up yelling at her and telling her to sit on the bed until I tell her she can move.

Now I know that some of it is just her testing her 4 year old limits, but other times I wonder if I am just expecting too much from her and am being too uptight. There are lots of other things, like she’ll get done with a popscicle and leave the stick on the table instead of throwing it away, or she is yelling at Linus for walking next to, yes that’s right next to, not on, her blanket where she is playing. Then she is chasing him or the cats with one of her dolls in her baby stroller. The whole time I am asking her to stop or yelling at her to knock it off. The other night, she flat out told me, “Mommy is better, because she isn’t mean to me”. I know it is just because I am disciplining her, but that still sucks to hear. It just feels like I am always yelling at her for everything and I hate myself for it. I want to go back to being “Fun Dad” when she was two and three and doing crafts and her listening to what I said. I want to be “fun Dad” but I don’t want to be a pushover either. I know she needs discipline and direction and I am trying to give it to her but I feel like I am falling over into the territory where I am yelling about every little thing. Most of the time whatever she is doing isn’t a big deal, but I make a big deal out of it by yelling. I just want to pick my battles and realize that she is just a kid and little kids don’t necessarily think things through.

I don’t know, I just feel like I’m losing my balance and turning into a parent that I don’t want to be. I am working on my patience and not sweating the small stuff so much, so I can get back to a balanced position on my high wire of life, but man, is it tough.

Any of you made it across the high wire of parenting? Can you actually balance all the way across?

Thursday, September 15, 2011


This past week has felt like one great balancing act for me and it is causing me a lot of stress. At work I have always gotten pretty decent performance reviews, but there has always been one knock against me. That knock is that I leave on time every day. In this day and age every company is trying to do more with less and a lot of people are spread thin and my company is no different. So yesterday I was leaving at 3 PM and I ran into one of my superiors on the way out and he jokingly asked me if I had “banker’s hours”. I replied with courtesy and said that I had been there since 6 AM, to which he replied “Well, you’re salaried so you should be working 6 – 5.” Then he laughed and walked inside. Yeah, he said everything in a joking manner, but I’ve known him long enough to know that there is some bit of truth in his jokes. It really bothers me that people think I slack off because I do my job and leave on time. My hours are 6 AM to 3 PM, and most days I am to work before 6, so while other people come in at 8 and get irritated that I am leaving at 3, they forget that while they are sleeping in a nice and cozy warm bed, I have already been up and at work for a few hours. But they never see that, they just see me walking out the door “early”.

Now I have never had any problem staying late to work on projects or take care of business that needs attention. I have rearranged daycare pickups to stay late, but have always had a drop dead time to pickup for daycare, so there have been times where I have stayed late then left to pick up A Bird. But on those occasions I always have taken the work home with me and had it finished before whoever needed it even showed up for their day. I guess I just hate that people think I am slacking, I am very organized and manage my day well so that all of my responsibilities are complete by the end of the day so I can leave on time. But I always have wondered, am I really that much more organized and other people so disorganized? Or do they have more on their plate and I should be doing more? When I think that, I have always gone to my boss and asked for more, yet I am still finished on time 95% of the time.

I really enjoy the hours I work, I enjoy coming in early before anyone else gets in and doing the majority of my work without being distracted. I also love getting out when I do, by leaving at 3, it gives me more time to spend with A Bird. I value that time so much. It’s during this time that we connect and talk and play. It’s this time of day that I get to just be with her and bond. Our family is very close knit and that is important to me. So I think that I have found the perfect life/work balance.

This is the balancing act that I feel like is weighing me down. I want to do well and be recognized for my work so I can move up in the company and provide better for my family, but I also don’t want to sacrifice the little time I have with A Bird during these early years. I’m sure everyone feels like this or has felt like this before, it just sucks and is hitting me hard.

OK, holy long post, huh? I have more to post on the balancing acts but I will break off and post the rest tomorrow…

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Putting things into perspective…

Today was a long day, it was the first day back after the long holiday weekend and I was still exhausted from everything that happened over the weekend. I made it through the day and came home to find this:


Yep a big old hole chewed right through the drywall. I was instantly fuming and looking for the culprit:


That’s Roxy in her best I’m guilty and I am ooooooh sooooo sorry face. Apparently in her old age/senility she has taken quite a liking to the taste of drywall. I found her hiding and looking guilty, and I knew it was definitely her, because Captain Destructo Linus was still safely locked away in his kennel.

She is too old to actually punish the way she should be punished, so I lightly cuffed her and was fuming about boiling her in a pot when the phone rang. It was my mother and the first thing she said was to turn on the 5  o’clock news and her voice was very serious. I instantly started to panic until she told me that everyone was OK but there had been a scary situation.

John and Lisa were leaving for their honeymoon this morning and they ran into a bit of trouble. Apparently, the first leg of their flight was from Rochester to NY or NJ. The flight was extremely turbulent, so bad that Lisa,who has flown many times got sick. Then one of the engines lost its hydraulics and the pilot informed them that they need to prepare for a crash landing. The pilot managed to get the plane to an airport in NJ,  and they came in hard. I guess it was hard enough to break the landing gear, but thankfully that was all that was broken. John and Lisa were unhurt, but were seriously shaken up and they still had another flight to board. It was also, John’s first time flying, it must have really inspired confidence in him, huh?

That phone call definitely put things into perspective for me. Yeah a hole in the drywall is a huge pain in the ass, but it can be fixed relatively easily. A little tape, a little mud and presto the hole’s all gone. It’s a whole lot easier to fix than a  injured or worse, family member. So with that in mind, I’m going to hold close to my family tonight and thank God for all I have and for blessing me with such a large and wonderful family.

Oh yeah, and I have to patch drywall, wish me luck….

Monday, September 5, 2011

Wedding Bells & Dancing Flower Girls

Yesterday my brother John got married. He found a wonderful woman who he is very much in love with and I wish him a long blessed life with his new bride, Lisa. With that being said, let’s move on to some of the details. John and Lisa had a small wedding party, but A Bird was lucky enough to be asked to be the flower girl. So on Friday we went up to the dress rehearsal at the church and A Bird learned her official Flower Girl duties. Basically, she had to carry a basket down in front of Lisa. She couldn’t actually throw down flower petals as the church wouldn’t allow it. But she was still excited.

Yesterday came and we left the house a little late but with some creative driving we still made it to the church a little early. Everyone looked wonderful, My Mom was wearing a dress that looked really good, my stepfather and brother were both in tuxedos, L Bird was rocking a pretty hot black dress, I wore my pinstriped suit and A Bird looked beautiful in her cream colored flower girl dress. Now, here is where the panic, well not really panic, more anxiety really that A Bird would forget what to do or get nervous and back out at the last second. Fortunately everything went off without a hitch, A Bird walked down the aisle and was reasonably quiet and very well behaved throughout the ceremony.

We then went to Lisa’s house and had pictures taken of the bridal party and A Bird. Then finally came the reception. John and Lisa chose to have their reception at the Genesee Country Village & Museum. So while the bridal party were having their pictures taken the wedding guest could walk through the village and relax before the reception

At the reception the food was delicious, the DJ was actually pretty good and it was an all around good time. On top of all of that, “The Slutty Cousins” were in full effect. My three girl cousins, my brothers and I are lovingly dubbed the slutty cousins due to our dancing and drinking at weddings, so yeah it was a good time.

But I think A Bird had the best time of all, I think she only sat down for 2, maybe 3 songs. Other than that she was out rocking on the dance floor. She danced with everyone and by herself when no one else was out there. You can check out her awesome moves below.(*** the room with the DJ was really dimly lit for his light system, but you can still make her out)

And here she is twisting the night away with Uncle Johnny, the groom.

Overall, it was a long day, but an extremely awesome and happy one. Congrats John and Lisa, we love you and wish nothing but the best for you!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Little Things...

Isn’t funny how the little things in life can completely change your mood or attitude. We have had a stressful couple of weeks with both A Bird and L Bird’s medical situations going on and creating a roller coaster of emotions. I know the stress is affecting all of us, but today I had a little thing brighten my mood. I was walking to my Jeep to go to lunch when out of the corner of my eye I spotted something red on the bumper.

A Bird had stuck that little heart sticker on my bumper over a month ago. She told me it was “because I like your Jeep and I love you!” So just seeing that little red heart still stuck there after a month of driving and rain and wind was amazing. One stupid little sticker made me smile all day.

I know that people always say don’t worry about the little things, well sometimes those little things can have a huge impact. So do some little thing for someone you care about. It may go a long way for them.

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