Friday, October 25, 2013

Sickness has struck…HARD

So everyone in my house is either sick or is just getting over being sick. It started with me, I had a stuffy nose and a cough so I turned to my old stand by:


OJ, Kleenex, and Dayquil

I don’t complain much about being sick because I have a pretty good immune system where I normally feel it coming and start downing OJ and Dayquil like it is going out of style then within a day or two I feel fine. That was the case this time except for this lingering cough I have.

Then Lauren got super “rashy” and “itchy” which turned into some sort of bacterial infection so she is on meds, then it comes down to my A Bird.


The Queen of Strep Throat

So A Bird comes down with a fever for two days, coughing, complaining about everything under the sun. Her throat hurts, her ears hurt, her tooth hurts, her arm hurts and on top of all that she is super whiny. I stayed home with her Tuesday and took her to the doctor. It’s always the same and this time it proved no different, she runs a fever, we make a dr.s appointment, we drive to the dr.s, she pukes in the parking lot (EVERY TIME!!), they swab her throat and BANG! Positive for strep.

This time we ran through all of those symptoms only this time she was NEGATIVE for strep so it appears to be viral. So another day out of school and a long, long, night of sleep and today she appears to be better and acting like her normal goofy self.

I am thinking great, we are in the free and clear then I pick of Nat. She is super rashy around her mouth, she has an epic double nostril snot flow rolling and she has a thick, wet nasty sounding cough. Great!!

So needless to say we are all a little stressed and on each other’s nerves around here, but 3 of th3 4 of us are on the mend, so hopefully a few warm baths, Vick’s Baby Rub (which by the way is awesome for little kids) and some sleep and Nat will be back to herself too.

I guess I am posting this because I have been sitting on a few posts but have not been able to get to them due to being sick, helping sickies, or just pure exhaustion from caring for the sick. I am not a Murse (what? you never heard of a man nurse or murse?).

Well, I got get my combat gear and ear plugs on to wipe Nat’s nose. Wish me luck!

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