I know I haven’t posted in a long time and I have had my reasons but I am not going to ramble on about that. It has been a wild couple of months, after making some “foot wine” with T Dizzle which by the way turned out very well, L Bird and I got wrapped up in A Bird starting Kindergarten and L Bird’s pregnancy. So before we even knew it, it was December and the waiting game started for L Bird to have the baby. With A Bird, she was born exactly one week before her due date which was nice. This time around everyone was telling L Bird how “the second baby always comes early”, well that’s not exactly true. L Bird and I went to the hospital twice before her due date only to be sent home for “false labor”, then L Bird’s official due date came and went and still nothing. L Bird had a follow up appointment for the day after Christmas which was a week and a half after her due date. Christmas came and went with L Bird being pretty uncomfortable and us impatiently waiting for the 26th. We were very hopeful that the doctor would induce L Bird so we set up a spend over for A Bird with my mother just in case. As it would happen, L Bird starting feeling some stronger contractions that morning, so I rushed A Bird up to my mother’s and got L Bird to her appointment but by the time we got to the doctor’s office her contractions weren’t as strong. We finally get to see L Bird’s doctor and L Bird’s exact words were “I’m not leaving this hospital today without a baby!” So the doctor decided to keep L Bird for monitoring AGAIN. We sat in the hospital hooked up to a fetal monitor for four hours before the doctor final made the decision to induce L Bird. Eight hours later we welcomed Nat Bird.
She was born happy and healthy at almost midnight on Dec. 26th. One of the first similarities I noticed was how much she looked like her sister A Bird. What do you think?
Nat Bird December 2012
A Bird May 2007
I think that they have the same nose and mouth.
As we were sitting in the delivery room after we had Nat Bird, I was holding her and thinking about how the days they were born on were so different. When A Bird was born it was a bright, warm beautiful day in May. I had just been at my new job for about a month when Lauren called me and said she was going to the hospital. It was 7:30 in the morning and I flew from work to make the 45 minute drive to the hospital. I can still remember how vibrant the colors of the trees and fields were in the early morning sunlight as I flew by them. When I think of the day A Bird was born those colors are one of the memories that flood my memory first. Then you have Nat Bird who was born a week and a half late, at night and in the middle of Snowstorm Euclid (When did they starting naming winter storms?). When I think about that day I think about sitting in the hospital all day and looking out the window and watching the snow pile up as we impatiently waited for Nat Bird to be born. I can’t wait until they are both a little older and I can tell them about the days they were born.
So that’s what has been going on, now we are all home and getting used to having a newborn again. Everyone is trying to get set into a routine to make life easier. Well, that’s all I got for now. Happy New Year to you all.
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