So L Bird and I have had kayaks for about four or five years now and the first couple of years we had them we used them like crazy. Then life got crazy with the arrival of A Bird and kayaking kind of fell off the map. Then I traded in my truck for the Jeep, so then I had no way to transport the kayaks so we didn’t go at all last year. L Bird and I both really enjoy being on the water so I sucked it up and found a roof rack and J Cradles on sale and bought them.
Look at them, looking all pretty on the roof.
So Saturday L Bird’s Aunt Jan wanted to watch A Bird for a few hours, it happened to work out perfectly to get some kayaking in down the canal. So we dropped A Bird off and hit the water.
That is just a quick snippet of kayaking, I couldn’t take a whole lot of video without falling way behind L Bird. But anyway it was so relaxing just to be out on the water and paddling. After about an hour or so on the water we pulled the boats out, got some lunch then went and picked up A Bird. So Saturday was a great day, we all got to have some fun and really relax.
Then Sunday, Father’s Day, came this morning and man did it come early. Before bed last night L Bird told A Bird that when she woke up this morning she could come in and wake me up to give me my father’s day presents. Well, that worked out well as A Bird came bounding in this morning at 6:30 AM and hit me with a bag of gifts. I managed to get my eyes open to see her frantically pulling out my gifts and shoving them under my face. She was really sweet and it made my day. At daycare she had made me a Father’s Day card, then at L Bird’s Aunt’s house she made two picture frames with pictures of A Bird and I (Thank you very much Aunt Jan, it was very thoughtful!). So after the gifts were given L Bird and A Bird headed out of the bedroom and I got to sleep in. IT WAS AWESOME!!!
I finally managed to drag myself from bed and we all got ready and went for a morning walk around town. L Bird followed A Bird on her tricycle while I walked Linus around town. It was very nice and relaxing just to walk as a family and have our simple conversations and bond over something as simple as a walk.
After our walk we headed out to my Pop’s house for Father’s Day. It’s always relaxing at my Dad’s house, he is super mellow and spends most of the time chasing A Bird around.
***On a side note, I am so grateful for my Pop being who he is. We didn’t have a lot of time together when I was a kid, but the time we had was always special. He is always the one I turn to when I need advice, he always seems to put things into perspective for me. He is a great father and a great Papa. I love you, Pop!
We hung outside on the patio all day just having lunch and hanging out. Everybody blew bubbles and watched my Dad’s dog Bruiser run like a mad man and pop them all. Other highlights of the day were when my Brother’s pet rat peed on L Bird’s leg, it was so funny and then the other big highlight was finding a tree frog and showing it to A Bird.
A Bird has no fear of anything, she was just like “Whatever, it’s just a frog”.
But anyway, it was a great weekend and it is winding down. The ladies are out watering the garden while I write this, so I should wrap this up and head out to help.
Enjoy what’s left of the weekend.
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