Monday, July 18, 2011

Exercise? What am I thinking?

Well, it looks like I’m going to give this whole exercise thing another shot. When I was younger I used to workout like crazy. I was a skinny, scrawny bean pole. I would come home from class and grab a deck of cards. Then with the cards I would use them to guide my workout, flip one card and that’s how many push ups or sit ups I  would do, flip the next card and that’s how many seconds I had to rest before the next set. That crazy routine, didn’t do anything for me bulk wise, but I was ripped. I graduated college at a whopping 135 lbs, with 4% body fat and a kicking set of six  pack abs.

Fast forward a few years and I was living in G Town and still hitting the YMCA. I had settled down and with the good food from a great woman, I put on some weight and bulked up. I went from 135 to 185 lbs and was still pretty fit and muscular. My six pack was fading, but still barely visible. Then everyday life caught up with me. I got a new job that was on days, not evenings, we bought a house and moved to a town that had no YMCA, we had A Bird and I let working out fall to the background.

I have tried to start getting fit a few times before but never had the commitment to stick with it, so here I am again. I’m the heaviest I have ever been and pretty unhappy with the size of my gut. So I’m going to give it another shot. I am not an “exercise program” guy per se, I like to do my own thing and target certain muscle groups which is probably why I never stick to doing it, I lose track of what I am doing or just get bored with the same old routine. But this time I am going to give a certain program a try that is a good program and has a nutrition portion with it. I had seen the infomercials for it and was always like “Yeah right, those are all paid actors or personal trainers. There is no way they looked like me and  now look like this.” Then my buddy Billy bought the program and gave it his all and I was amazed. Billy used to look a little better than me, now he looks much much better than me. He is trimmed out and getting more and more cut, so that sold me. Someone I know has actually seen results.

I’m still a little hesitant about actually saying what I’m doing, because of my history of quitting. I don’t want people to give me a bunch of crap about it being too tough or I should’ve done this or that. So we’ll see how it goes, if I stick to it, I’ll tell you. If not, oh well.

Well, it’s off to workout #2. Wish me luck, I’m going to need it !

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