Monday, July 11, 2011

So it’s been a little while…

It’s the middle of summer and like everyone else we have been crazy busy. We were supposed to drive Wisconsin for my cousin Meg’s wedding, (Congrats Meg & Tim!!! Sorry we missed it!!!) but it just didn’t pan out between work schedules and the drive time to and from Wisconsin. But the winery did end up shutting down for the holiday and a few other days so we did manage to get a few days off to ourselves.

So we made the most of  the days we had. We went to a 4th of July picnic at my Uncle’s house and had a good time. Everyone ended up swimming in the pool, me, L Bird, A Bird, my brother, one of my Uncle’s and his troop all crammed into this tiny above ground pool. It was awesome.

We then decided to take an overnight trip to Old Forge and take A Bird to Enchanted Forest Water Safari (Where the fun never stops!!). This was a big deal, because she has never been to an amusement park before, let alone a water park. A Bird’s first trip down a water slide was quite the thing, she looked completely freaked out.

You can’t tell in the video but her eyes are as wide as dinner plates and she has a look of panic. Well, that was actually her second trip down the slide, the first trip I have my finger in the way ( I can’t help it, I have monster hands that eat everything in their grasp). But after that she was rip roaring ready to go, we spent 5 hours at the park and she spent at least 4 1/2 hours in the water or on the slides. She had a permanent smile on the whole time, well almost the whole time, she did have a couple of mini meltdowns, but for the most part was awesome. It also was nice because my Dad and Stepmom came too and helped with A Bird and gave L Bird and I a chance to go down a few slides.

Which brings me to a funny story. Our last slide of the day was the newest one at the park, well at least new to us. It was The Curse of the Silverback, which basically is a short drop down a tube slide into a giant toilet bowl where you circle until you drop out the bottom. The whole time we are in line L Bird is talking to everyone in line trying to figure out if it is going to be scary and in the process freaked herself out. So we get to the top and she is talking to the 15 year old kid running the slide and he tells her that there is a six foot straight drop to gain speed before the bowl, so now she is really freaked out but there is no turning back now. We jump into the double tube and the kid sends us on our way into a pitch black tube and we are flying. Then here comes the drop, L Bird tries to scream but her stomach is in her throat and I’m laughing at with her. Then we hit the bowl and start slowly circling until we finally shoot out the bottom. We get off the ride and L Bird’s hands are literally shaking. It was a great way to end the day at the park.

Everyone packed up and headed back to the cabins to get changed and head out to dinner. We ate at a cool little pizza shop that had 23 beers. Pizza and beers, yeah that’s right up my alley. The next day we made our way home just in time for my mother to pick A Bird up and take her overnight.

L Bird and I headed out to Cruisin’ Night in G’Town for Capt. Insano’s birthday. Cruisin’ Night is an awesome “festival” they have every year, where anyone with a classic car comes down and displays them on two streets. They block off the roads, have live bands, a food court and a beer tent. Everyone just walks around with a cold beer and a slice of pizza or sausage and just listens to the music while checking out hot cars. It turned out to be a great night and a great birthday for the Captain. By the end of the night, he needed a little help from his friends to get home. Let’s just say his legs didn’t work due to over medication with some liquid gratification.

There were a few other highlights, but I’ve rambled on long enough. It was a whirlwind few days, but now we’re all back to work and daycare now and starting to get back into routine.  Now if I could just get a vacation to recover from my vacation it would be great.

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