Thursday, August 11, 2011

Car Rides...

So I’m pretty sure that I could be a stay at home Dad. I had yesterday off and spent the day with A Bird. We didn’t really do anything exciting but we got a lot done. We went down and got my Jeep inspected and an oil change, then headed over to Lowe’s for a few things I needed to finish up some projects and then back home. Although we didn’t do anything special, it was a special day because we were together. I could easily get used to staying home and having days like that. Yep, let me win the lottery or L Bird get a big promotion and that’s it I’m gone. I’ll stay home do the laundry and dishes, put A Bird on the bus, then go play a round of golf or putter around the garden until she get home. Yeah that sounds pretty good to me. Well, it’s like they say “A dollar and a dream” right?

But anyway, one of the things I noticed was how much we both seemed to enjoy the car ride. It used to be I would strap her into her seat and turn on the radio and she would be completely quiet and fall asleep. But these days, she is asking me to play her favorite songs on CD’s and turn up the radio and she is singing along with most of the words correct. It just hit me like a ton of bricks at how old and how mature she seems.

She’ll tell me to turn down the radio, and then she’ll make a profound statement that always seems to hit me in the gut. It’s stuff like:

“Dad, you know JW is my boyfriend and when I get older I’m going to marry him”

“Dad when I grow up I’m going to buy a motorcycle and JW can ride on the back”

“When I’m older I’m going to be a cowgirl!” (Or singer or dancer or doctor, it depends on the day)

Or she’ll hit me with questions:

“Dad, look at those clouds, is that where GOD lives?”

“Dad, what do deer eat?”

“Dad, I want something cold to eat, which way is the ice cream store?”

I guess the point is, that she is having many more conversations with me. She is turning into such a little person. I can converse with her and enjoy our time together. I don’t know I guess it just really hit me yesterday and I’m still in awe at how she has become her individual. I just keep talking and listening to her, so hopefully I can lay the groundwork for more car ride discussions as she gets older. That’s all you can hope for, right?

I hope so.

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