Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Craze…

Christmas is always crazy for our family. Both L Bird’s and my parents have divorced. My parents remarried a long time ago, but L Bird’s parents are still doing their own things. So because we come from separated families, we end up have five Christmases every year. We do Christmas with my Dad’s side, my Mom’s side, L Bird’s Mother, L Bird’s Father and then our own intimate family Christmas on Christmas morning.

So yeah, it gets crazy, but anyway our Christmas craziness started this past weekend with Christmas with my Dad’s side on Saturday and then with L Bird’s Mom on Sunday. At these two Christmases A Bird got a ton of gifts that she absolutely loves, but two of them stand out.

From my Dad and Stepmom she got a Disney Karaoke machine. She went nuts when she opened it. She has been putting in her CD’s and singing her little heart out, at the top of her lungs, of course with the volume cranked all the way up. How else can you sing, right? Then she found that she didn’t need the music to use the microphone and she found the echo knob. So she turns up the echo all the way and just says random stuff into the mic to hear herself. Sometimes it’s just “Daddy, what are you doing?” and then some times it is “woooooooooooooooo,oooooooooooooooooooo,oooooooooooooooooo” as she tries to be a “siren”. Yeah, that’s real fun.

The other gift that she is fascinated with is the a Wii game that she got from her Aunt A, Uncle E and Cousin J. It is Just Dance For Kids. We brought that home, fired up the Wii and she went nuts. It is actually a really cool game, it is made for kids so there are a ton of kids songs like “The Ants Go Marching”, songs from Yo Gabba Gabba, The Wiggles, etc. But it also has some harmless old school favorites like YMCA, Funky Town, and apparently A Bird’s new favorite “Everybody Dance Now”.

So here she is, dancing away:

So here’s to two Christmases down and three to go. Merry Christmas!!!

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