Sunday, November 21, 2010

So this is how it starts???

So L Bird went to Wal-Mart the other day and she brought home their Christmas toy catalog. I thought it would be fun to have A Bird sit with me and go through and pick things out that she wanted to Christmas. I have really fond memories of laying on the floor with a pen and the JC Penney catalog circling toys for my Grandparents or my Aunt Gin. It is one of my favorite memories and I wanted to share that with A Bird. Plus, she is getting old enough that she is really starting to get Christmas and the whole Santa Claus thing, so she definitely knows what she wants.

We sat next to each other, and flipped through the magazine. I could see her eyes light up about certain pages. I was teasing her a little about what she wanted and pointing out toys marketed towards boys and I got the eye roll and “No Dad! Those are for boys and I’m not a boy!”, so then I would flip to the “girl stuff” and  I would beat her to the punch and shout out “Oooooooh I want that!” and she would look at me and furrow her brow and tell me that “Dad you can’t have that, that’s for girls”. So after a few more rounds of that, we actually started marking things down. I took a sharpie and put a star next to things she pointed out.

Ever since then she has been carrying around that catalog like it was her favorite bedtime story. So yesterday I noticed it was laying on the table and this is what I saw:


She had taken a pen and written an A or some lines next to every single thing that was girly. I know I shouldn’t be surprised but I was a little impressed that she wrote and A next to most things.

So if she is only 3 now, and she is already asking for everything it can only get better, right??

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