Saturday, January 1, 2011

So Here We Go Again, New Year’s Resolutions

So, its January 1st, 2011 and like every other person on the face of the planet I have taken a long hard look at who I am and what I want to change and have made some New Year’s Resolutions.

So here they are in no particular order:

1. Talk more to the people that mean the most to me.

People who know me, know that I am incredibly private. I don’t talk about anything because I don’t want people to know my business. One of my most used phrases is “Mind your business”. I digest every conversation and every action in silence and I typically keep my thoughts to myself. Because of that, I never really let the ones I love know how I feel or what I’m thinking. So this year my plan is to let them know how much they mean to me and to say I love you more and to actually have a conversation when someone asks me “What are you thinking?” instead of saying nothing and brushing it off.

2. Get back into shape.

Like just about everyone else in this super sized world, I just want to get back into shape and lose my beer gut. All through high school and college I was thin but I was ripped. When I graduated college I had 4% body fat, I was completely in shape, then over the years I became to busy with life, and other things and just stopped working out. I cancelled my YMCA membership with the thought I’ll just buy free weights and lift at home, well I can’t remember the last time I lifted a weight. So my plan is to start small and see how it goes. I’m trying to cut back on soda to only 1 per day and then cut back on drinking beer. As for working out, I know approximately where to start, so I found a routine that I can do at home with the weights I have. It claims that you can see results in 9 days, so we’ll see. I’m pretty sure I have the will power to last nine days, then hopefully I’ll see some small change that will keep me motivated and I’ll keep working out.

I figured I would only have two resolutions, any more than that and it’s easy to throw in the towel on the whole lot of then when you screw up one.

So, what are your resolutions?

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