Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So last Friday I turned 34, I know right? I am getting old. Funny thing is, I have no idea where the time has gone. I sure don’t feel like I’m 34, I really don’t even feel like I’m in my 30’s. It seems like just yesterday I was hanging out in G Town at my apartment on Groove St. stoop drinking and hanging out. I still feel the same as then, sure a lot has changed since then, but I still feel like I’m young and in my twenties.

But anyway it was an awesome birthday. L Bird and I went to dinner with Dinker and his old lady Allison to Rheinblick German Restaurant which is my favorite place to eat. Then we came back to our place just as The Goof Troop was arriving. It was a good night, highlighted with cigars next to a bonfire in the pouring rain, whoopie cushions, cards, exploding stink bomb bags, and one of the greatest stories I’ve heard in a long time told by Charlie Keilbasa.

Charlie was propositioned on the thruway while driving by a gay man. I’ll spare most of the details, but the highlights of the story were the following statements:

“He was licking his lips and rubbing his crotch in a circular motion” (While Charlie Keilbasa re-enacted the scene)

“"That’s it, I’m calling 911!”

Then the story continued with Keilbasa having to re-tell his story to the 911 operator, the NYS Thruway Authority, and finally the State Troopers. But by the time he was done telling it, I had tears in my eyes.

Then the night finally wrapped up with Capt. Insano performing his version of “Putting on the Ritz” from Young Frankenstein. His performance was cut short because he woke A Bird up.

All in all, it was a great birthday made that much better by my loving family and friends. Hopefully, I’ll still feel this good in another 34 years.

And without further ado, Capt.Insano and his rendition of “Putting on the Ritz”, Young Frankenstein style……

P.S.- Notice “Lucy” smack him for waking up  A Bird.

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